Yann LeCun Labels California SB1047 Author as "Doomsday Cult Master"

Creati.ai AI News - July 1, 2024

In the early hours of July 1, Turing Award winner and Meta's Chief Scientist Yann LeCun took to social media to reveal the author of California's SB1047 bill, Nirit Weiss-Blatt, PhD. LeCun described Weiss-Blatt, who poses as a director of an academic think tank, as a "doomsday cult master" responsible for drafting the controversial legislation.

LeCun's criticism stems from the belief that SB1047 poses significant risks to the authors of open-source large models. According to LeCun, the bill will slow down technological innovation and the progress of the entire large model ecosystem. While Meta might cope by discontinuing open-source large models, many AI startups could face bankruptcy.

Numerous netizens support LeCun's stance, warning that the bill’s passage could drive many AI companies out of California to locations such as Dubai, Shenzhen, Madrid, and Singapore. Critics argue that the bill is based on unverifiable assumptions and that it lacks a grounded understanding of AI and open-source development. Some even suggest that if open-source models need to bear responsibility, then science fiction films and novels should also come with disclaimers to help the public distinguish between reality and fiction.

Concerns about the bill’s impact are widespread. Critics believe that such regulations are misguided and might stifle innovation rather than addressing real issues. They argue for sensible rules to ensure ethical oversight and safe technological innovation without invoking fearmongering.

LeCun’s comments reflect a broader skepticism about the motivations and understanding of the bill’s authors. The portrayal of AI as an imminent existential threat, akin to the narrative in the "Terminator" movies, is seen by many as alarmist and distracting from genuine issues.

Nirit Weiss-Blatt, according to her LinkedIn profile, holds a PhD from Israel and has expertise in technology content reporting. Her research spans various digital platforms, including social media, and their impact on news dissemination and public perception. She has served as a technology expert in Israel, a guest lecturer at the Israel Institute of Technology, and a visiting scholar at the University of Southern California.

The SB1047 bill aims to regulate the development and use of advanced AI models, requiring developers to conduct safety assessments, adhere to safety regulations, and report any AI safety incidents before training AI models. Additionally, developers must guarantee model performance, with compliance risks arising if open-source models are modified by others. Notably, AI scientist Andrew Ng has warned that SB1047 could stifle innovation in open-source large models.

The committee is set to hold a hearing on SB1047 on July 2 to further review and amend the bill.

For more details, you can view the SB1047 bill here.

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