Submit AI

List your AI product on and gain immediate visibility!
Submit Your AI Tools
How to generate tool information
Fequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to list a tool? Is it a one-time payment or a recurring payment?

We offer different submission options, including Quick Submit and VIP Submit. Each option is a one-time payment, and once completed, your tool will be listed permanently according to the chosen plan. For more details, please visit Submit Your AI Tools. Listing your tool also provides valuable do-follow backlinks, which can be beneficial for SEO.

How long does it take to be listed after I pay and submit?

For both Quick Submit and VIP Submit, your tool will be listed within 48 hours. All submissions will be featured according to our schedule. More details can be found here.

Does my listing expire?

No, your listing will never expire. Once your tool is published in our directory, it will remain there indefinitely.

How can I get more views?

You can use our Advertise AI service to promote your tool with pay-per-click ads, ensuring maximum exposure and engagement.

Why wasn't my tool listed?

We manually review every tool submitted. If your tool is not approved for any reason, you will receive a full refund. Common reasons for non-approval include tools that do not use artificial intelligence or contain explicit adult content. Please ensure you include your tool URL when paying the one-time listing fee.

Does still accept NSFW AI tools?

As of January 1, 2025, has stopped accepting submissions for NSFW (Not Safe for Work) AI tools. This policy change is part of our commitment to maintaining a professional, inclusive, and user-friendly platform for our global audience. We aim to focus on AI tools that cater to a wide range of industries and use cases, ensuring alignment with industry standards and ethical practices.

Can you guarantee sales or traffic?

No, we cannot guarantee that listing your AI tool on will result in sales or traffic. However, based on our traffic statistics, it is likely that you will receive some clicks to your tool or website. For increased visibility and clicks, you can opt for our advertising options, which also offer SEO benefits through do-follow backlinks.

What is the refund policy?

We guarantee a full, automatic refund if your AI tool isn't published, which sometimes happens due to our editorial policy. We also refund featured/sponsorship payments provided they haven't started yet.

Do you work with agencies?

Yes, we do! Our dashboard is optimized for promoting multiple AIs simultaneously. If you are an agency, AI event organizer, incubator, etc.feel free to reach out, and we'll gladly assist you in any way we can.

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please contact us by email: