Origin by GPTZero is a Chrome extension that detects whether a text was written by an AI or a human. Powered by GPTZero, this tool ensures the integrity of written content across various platforms.
Origin by GPTZero is a Chrome extension that detects whether a text was written by an AI or a human. Powered by GPTZero, this tool ensures the integrity of written content across various platforms.
Origin by GPTZero is a powerful AI-detection tool available as a Chrome extension. It allows users to scan any text to determine if it was generated by artificial intelligence or written by a human. This tool is invaluable for educators, editors, and content creators who need to verify the authenticity of written content. Simply install the extension and start detecting AI-generated text instantly.
Who will use Origin By GPTZero?
Content creators
How to use the Origin By GPTZero?
Step 1: Install the Origin by GPTZero extension from the Chrome Web Store.
Step 2: Open any webpage with text you want to analyze.
Step 3: Highlight the text you wish to scan.
Step 4: Click the Origin by GPTZero icon in your Chrome toolbar.
Step 5: View the results to see if the text was AI-generated or human-written.
Origin By GPTZero's Core Features & Benefits
The Core Features of Origin By GPTZero
Text scanning
Instant results
The Benefits of Origin By GPTZero
Ensures content integrity
Easy to use
Reliable detection
Origin By GPTZero's Main Use Cases & Applications
Verifying academic papers
Checking content authenticity
Editing and proofreading
Research validation
FAQs of Origin By GPTZero
What is Origin by GPTZero?
Origin by GPTZero is a Chrome extension that detects AI-generated text from human-written text.
How do I install the Origin by GPTZero extension?
You can install it from the Chrome Web Store by searching for 'Origin by GPTZero'.
Can I use Origin by GPTZero on any platform?
Currently, it is available as a Chrome extension for web use.
Is Origin by GPTZero free to use?
Yes, the extension is free to use.
How accurate is the detection process?
The tool is powered by GPTZero, known for its reliable AI detection capabilities.
Can I use this for academic purposes?
Yes, it is ideal for verifying the authenticity of academic papers.
What kind of texts can it analyze?
It can analyze any text that you can highlight on a webpage.
Does it work on PDFs?
If the text in the PDF is selectable in the browser, it can be analyzed.
How do I view the results?
After scanning, the results will be displayed within the extension popup.