NPI Lookup is a premier tool providing up-to-date National Provider Identifier (NPI) records. Launched in 2007, it is used by millions annually to access information on healthcare providers. The service offers customizable searches with filters for NPI numbers, physician names, specialties, and more.
Jun 02 2024
NPI Lookup

NPI Lookup

NPI Lookup
NPI Lookup is a premier tool providing up-to-date National Provider Identifier (NPI) records. Launched in 2007, it is used by millions annually to access information on healthcare providers. The service offers customizable searches with filters for NPI numbers, physician names, specialties, and more.
Jun 02 2024

NPI Lookup Product Information

What is NPI Lookup?

NPI Lookup is a user-friendly tool designed for quick and accurate National Provider Identifier (NPI) number searches. Launched in 2007, this service offers up-to-date information from the latest NPI records. Users can conduct specific or wildcard searches and customize results using various filters like physician names, NPI numbers, and specialties. This makes it an essential resource for healthcare providers, organizations, and individuals needing reliable and accessible healthcare provider information.

Who will use NPI Lookup?

  • Healthcare providers
  • Doctors & Physicians
  • Healthcare organizations
  • Insurance companies
  • Medical researchers
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Patients
  • Medical billing companies

How to use the NPI Lookup ?

  • step1: Go to the website
  • step2: Enter the NPI number, physician name, or specialty in the search bar.
  • step3: Use available filters to refine your search.
  • step4: Click 'Search' to display the results.
  • step5: Review and select the relevant healthcare provider information.
  • step6: For more details, click on the specific provider's profile.


  • web

NPI Lookup's Core Features & Benefits

The Core Features of NPI Lookup
  • Wild card and specific searches
  • Filterable and sortable results
  • Up-to-date NPI records
  • Unlimited searches
The Benefits of NPI Lookup
  • Fast and efficient searches
  • Comprehensive provider information
  • User-friendly interface
  • Customizable search options

NPI Lookup's Main Use Cases & Applications

  • Finding doctors' NPI numbers
  • Verifying healthcare provider information
  • Medical research
  • Healthcare billing and insurance claims
  • Organizational audits

FAQs of NPI Lookup's

What is NPI Lookup?

NPI Lookup is a tool for quick and accurate searches of National Provider Identifier (NPI) numbers.

How do I use NPI Lookup?

Enter the NPI number, physician name, or specialty in the search bar and use filters to refine the results.

Is there a cost associated with using NPI Lookup?

No, using the NPI Lookup tool is free.

Can I search by a physician's name?

Yes, you can search by physician name, NPI number, or specialty.

How up-to-date is the information on NPI Lookup?

The information is sourced from the latest NPI records and is regularly updated.

Can I filter my search results?

Yes, you can use various filters to refine your search results.

How many results can I view at a time?

You can view up to 400 results at a time.

Is the NPI Lookup tool available on mobile devices?

The NPI Lookup tool is available on the web and can be accessed via mobile browsers.

Who can use NPI Lookup?

Anyone needing reliable and accessible healthcare provider information, including healthcare providers, organizations, researchers, and patients.

What kinds of searches can I perform?

You can perform specific or wildcard searches to find healthcare providers' NPI numbers.

NPI Lookup Company Information

  • Website:
  • Company Name: NPI Lookup
  • Support Email:
  • Facebook: NA
  • X(Twitter): NA
  • YouTube: NA
  • Instagram: NA
  • Tiktok: NA
  • LinkedIn: NA

Analytic of NPI Lookup

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits
Avg.Visit Duration
Page per Visit
Bounce Rate
Apr 2024 - Jun 2024 All Traffic


Top 3 Regions
United States
Apr 2024 - Jun 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Traffic Sources

Paid Referrals
Apr 2024 - Jun 2024 Desktop Only

NPI Lookup's Main Competitors and alternatives?
