HideJobs helps streamline your job search by removing irrelevant and promoted job listings, blocking specific companies, and filtering jobs on LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor.
HideJobs helps streamline your job search by removing irrelevant and promoted job listings, blocking specific companies, and filtering jobs on LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor.
Hide Companies, Promoted, Applied Jobs on LinkedIn + AI Summarizer Product Information
What is Hide Companies, Promoted, Applied Jobs on LinkedIn + AI Summarizer?
Job hunting can be tedious with irrelevant jobs cluttering your search results. HideJobs addresses this by hiding applied, promoted, viewed, and dismissed job listings. It allows you to block specific companies and filter job postings by excluding unwanted keywords. Additionally, it offers features like AI-powered job summaries and a cleaner messaging interface. This extension lets you find relevant job opportunities faster and with fewer distractions by working in real-time to keep your search results tidy.
Who will use Hide Companies, Promoted, Applied Jobs on LinkedIn + AI Summarizer?
Job seekers
LinkedIn users
Indeed users
Glassdoor users
HR professionals
How to use the Hide Companies, Promoted, Applied Jobs on LinkedIn + AI Summarizer?
Step1: Install the HideJobs extension from the Chrome Web Store.
Step2: Navigate to your job search platform (LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor).
Step3: Customize your settings to hide applied, promoted, and dismissed job listings.
Step4: Block specific companies and exclude jobs containing certain keywords.
Step5: Use the seamless controls to toggle visibility of filtered content.
Hide Companies, Promoted, Applied Jobs on LinkedIn + AI Summarizer's Core Features & Benefits
The Core Features of Hide Companies, Promoted, Applied Jobs on LinkedIn + AI Summarizer
Hides irrelevant job listings
Blocks specific companies
Filters jobs by keywords
AI-powered job summaries
Cleaner messaging interface
The Benefits of Hide Companies, Promoted, Applied Jobs on LinkedIn + AI Summarizer
Find relevant jobs faster
Reduce distractions
Instant filtering
Track progress of hidden jobs
Effortless control with one-click hiding and restoring
Hide Companies, Promoted, Applied Jobs on LinkedIn + AI Summarizer's Main Use Cases & Applications
Finding relevant job opportunities
Blocking spam companies
Filtering out undesired job listings
Enhancing job search efficiency
FAQs of Hide Companies, Promoted, Applied Jobs on LinkedIn + AI Summarizer
How do I install HideJobs?
Visit the Chrome Web Store and click 'Add to Chrome'.
Which job platforms are supported?
HideJobs supports LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor.
Can I block listings from specific companies?
Yes, you can block job postings from particular companies.
Is my data secure?
Yes, HideJobs ensures that your data is secure and not shared.
Can I filter jobs by keywords?
Yes, you can exclude job listings containing specific keywords.
Is there a way to track how many jobs have been hidden?
Yes, HideJobs tracks the number of hidden jobs for you.
Does it work in real-time?
Yes, it filters content in real-time without needing page refreshes.
Can I restore hidden job listings?
Yes, hidden jobs can be restored at any time with a single click.
Does HideJobs charge for its services?
HideJobs offers in-app purchases for enhanced features.
What languages are supported?
HideJobs supports 10 languages including English, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese.
Hide Companies, Promoted, Applied Jobs on LinkedIn + AI Summarizer Company Information
Website: https://hidejobs.com
Company Name: HideJobs
Support Email: info@hidejobs.com
Facebook: NA
X(Twitter): NA
YouTube: NA
Instagram: NA
Tiktok: NA
LinkedIn: NA
Hide Companies, Promoted, Applied Jobs on LinkedIn + AI Summarizer Reviews
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